Posted in Stop Press by Fred Shone on 9th November 2021.

Owing largely to ongoing staffing issues, Sunday deliveries will be withdrawn from the close of November ’21. Sunday Newspapers will be still be available for delivery with the next available delivery with no extra delivery charge incurred. It is not a decision that has been taken lightly but has been taken in order to allow ourselves to offer a higher quality service monday to saturday with the extra day currently stretching our limited available resources to the extreme which ultimately negatively impacts on the organisational performance overall. Please advise via email/phone if sunday titles are required for monday delivery or order via your online account. Otherwise current sunday orders will be blanked out with any subscription vouchers held by ourselves still being credited directly against your account unless requested for a return (we are still able to accept sunday paper vouchers even if sunday papers not ordered).

Call us today on 01270 841480 or email info@shonesmilkandnews.co.uk